Strasbourg, October 16
The representatives of six Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians Associations attended a meeting held in Strasbourg on October 16, 2024. In the context of the conference “Rencontres nationales de Santé Publique Vétérinaire”, organized by the Association Française des Directeurs et cadres de laboratoires Vétérinaires Publics d’ Analyses (ADILVA), the President Isabelle Martel and the Vice-President Nicolas Keck, kindly invited the EAVLD President Marialaura Corrente to present the EAVLD association, its mission, the composition of the Board and the activities.
Other representatives were invited as well: Domenico Galante, representative of the Italian Society of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostics (S.I.Di.L.V.), Ana Manso, from the Board of the Asociación de Especialistas en Diagnóstico Laboratorial Veterinario (AVEDILA),Valérie Chaignat, responsible for the laboratories of the Département des finances et de l’agriculture (DFA), Switzerland, and Christian Quinet, from the Board of the Association Régionale de Santé et d ‘Identification Animales Arsia, Belgium. It resulted in an interesting and participatory exchange of views on the organization of animal health, and laboratories; some differences but also common goals were highlighted. As take home message, the meeting was closed with the hope to establish closer contacts by involving other European associations and promoting the organisation of joint events and the training of young researchers.